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Information of standard directories in Linux

no-009 au-03

Raspberry Pi root directories

This directory structure is the same on the upper-level Unix based system. All files and directories appear under the root directory.

List of the root directories

To learn which directories are located in the root;

  1. Open terminal
  2. Run below command

ls -l /

Meaning of directories

/bin     -> Important command binaries needed during bootup that might be used by normal users

/boot   ->Configuration files that contain needed for booting

/dev     ->Here virtual files are created for all devices, through which devices can be accessed

/etc      -> Configuration files for the system or individual programs

/home -> Users’ home directories, containing saved files, personal settings

/lib       -> Essential libraries for the binaries in /bin and /sbin

/media -> Mount point for removable media such CD-ROMs

/mnt    -> Here you can mount other file systems into the directory structure yourself

/opt     -> In this directory mainly large program packages are installed

/proc   -> Each running program automatically gets a subdirectory here with files, which give exact information to the respective process. This directory is intended as an interface to the kernel, so that programs can access system functions and the functions of other programs

/root    -> The home directory of the root user

/run     -> This directory contains information about the system since its start. (Run-time variable data)

/sbin   -> Essential system binaries

/srv     -> Special files of running service

/sys     -> Virtual directory for the system information

/tmp    -> Directory of temporary files

/usr     -> This directory contains the majority of user utilities and applications

/var     -> Variable files such as logs, spool files and temporary email files

Please do not remove any binaries or files under these directories.
