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ABIOLA RASP – Raspberries for African School Projects

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Slide show in full screen mode

no-066 au-03

Slide Show

A slide show is a presentation of a series of images on screen, so you can show your images without intervention.

Start Slide Show

You should store images which you will use for the slideshow in a specific folder.

  1. Images are collected into a folder for a slideshow
  2. Double click the image which you want to start with
  1. Right click on the image
  2. Click “Full Screen”.
  1. Click “Start/Stop Slideshow” to start

NOTE: To finish the slide show;
Right click on the image
Click “Start/Stop Slideshow”rt

Set the Slideshow interval

The default value of slide show interval is 5 seconds. Please follow instructions to change the slideshow interval.

  1. Right click on the image
  2. Click “Preferences”
  1. Increase or decrease to set new Slideshow interval.

Keyboard shortcuts

The slideshow can be start on full screen mode with keyboard.

  1. Double click the image which you want to start with
  2. Press F11 for full screen mode
  3. Press w to start the slideshow
  4. Press w to stop the slideshow
