Wie können wir helfen?
- Add a firewall
- Add/Remove Software
- Arrange the panel applets and display
- Assign static IP Address via static DHPC
- Audacity - Record your audio
- Back-up the memory card
- Calculator
- Change Appearance Settings
- Change background
- Change default password
- Change Folder Icon Size
- Change splash screen
- Change the access control of files
- Change the default Browser
- Changing default username
- Check the network connection
- Clean up the memory card
- Compress and decompress command
- Compress multiple files and decompress it
- Copy a file to Raspberry Pi from Raspberry Pi with scp
- Copy memory card from image file
- Create a new user account
- Create a short cut for programs
- Create custom presentation with Pi Presents
- Create new panel
- Custom background image for desktop
- Delete a File and recover it from Trash
- Display image with the Image Viewer by default
- Edit images with Mirage
- Edit Main Menu
- Fan-Art as a wallpaper
- File transfer with the Total Commander
- Find a specific file by using File Manager
- GIMP change image
- Google Chrome - Add shortcut of website
- Google Chrome - Change Background
- How does apt-get work
- How to add more gadgets to the top bar
- How to change the color of your terminal
- How to change your localisation settings
- How to install an apt-package?
- How to require user login at boot
- How to set static IP address
- How to update the database packages to the latest versions
- How to update your Raspberry Pi
- How to upgrade the packages to the latest versions
- Information of standard directories in Linux
- Install a software as a Linux package
- Install the Operating System with NOOBS
- Install the Operating System without NOOBS
- LibreOffice dokumentation
- LibreOffice Draw
- LibreOffice overview
- Listing nearby wireless network
- Memory usage Analysis with Filelight
- Mouse and Keyboard Settings
- Mozilla Firefox - Add Top Site
- NextCloud - ABIOLA Cloud
- Organizing the Desktop
- Play video and music
- PuTTY Session
- Raspberry Main Menu
- Raspberry Pi Beginner´s Guide
- Raspberry Pi Desktop
- Raspberry Pi Emulator for Windows
- Recover lost password
- Rename a folder and file
- Save CPU temperature to file
- Set the display format of clock and date
- Setting ABIOLA Monitor 18 "
- Setup an On-Screen Keyboard
- Setup Raspbmc Media Center
- Setup the Printer
- Show free space
- Show hidden files
- Show the File properties
- Slide show in full screen mode
- Take screenshots
- Text editors for configuration files
- The basic Linux commands in detail
- The official Raspberry PI guide for beginners
- The Superuser root
- Usage of Calendar
- Usage of Raspberry Pi Configuration Tool
- Use Gmail in Claws Mail
- Use Pi Presents for Presentation
- Use the File Manager with the root rights
- Useful terminal commands
- Using the File Manager
- VLC Media Player
- Which chips are installed on the board?
- Wi-Fi Connectivity Settings
- Searching for pattern in file or dir
- Who are you login as?
- Show this month's calender
- Difference between Wi-Fi and WLAN
- How can I use WLAN with a cell phone?
- What is FTP?
- How can I set up my own WLAN with a cell phone?
- FileZilla - Copy a file to FTP server
- How can I query FTP data?
- How can I set up an FTP location?
- LibreOffice Writer - Create a basic template
- Thunderbird - Set up Gmail account
- 7-ZIP - Compress and extract
- VLC Media Player - Add a subtitle into your video
- Sound Converter - Convert audio format
- Handbrake - Crop video at specific time interval
- OpenShot - How to merge two videos?
- SD Card Copier - Copy your image
- How to connect WiFi
- Terminal shortcut
- Recording your Desktop
- How to give a permission?
- Start SlideShow automatically
- mount command
- Show processes as a tree
- Download a file from a domain
- Usage of Ip commands
- Change the file ownership
- Show disk partitions and sizes
- Show target mount point for all filesystems
- Show disk usage
- Show free and used space
- WinRAR – extract rar file using command line
- Shows a memory usage map of processes
- Show all running processes
- Kill a process under a given ID
- Show a snapshot of active processes
- Get DNS information for domain
- Get whois information for domains
- Ping host and output results
- Usage of yum command
- Compress a file with the .gz extension
- Create a tar archieved file
- Show current uptime
- find command
- Display information about user
- Show current date and time
- Show hostname
- Show system information
- Output the contents of the file
- Create a text file
- Move a file
- Copy operations
- Show the current directory
- Close the terminal
- Delete file and folder
- Create a folder from terminal
- Change the directory with command
- How to list files?
- How to clear terminal window
- Show the history of terminal commands
- Show help options on the terminal
- Re-set or disable sleep time
- How to remove a program completely?
- What is Snapcraft?
- How to set a new key combination to take screenhot?
- What is Flatpak?
- Cool Shortcut - How Do I Copy Commands to Terminal Window?
- Network Traffic Monitor - vnstat
- Activate the numeric keypad
- Producing the graphical images for network traffic
- Windows Raspberry Control
- The right start
- Translate web pages into other languages
- Course Topic Numbering and Error Message
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 153 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Add/Remove Software
- Change Appearance Settings
- Change splash screen
- Change the access control of files
- Change the default Browser
- Clean up the memory card
- Edit images with Mirage
- Edit Main Menu
- How to add more gadgets to the top bar
- How to change your localisation settings
- How to require user login at boot
- How to update your Raspberry Pi
- Information of standard directories in Linux
- Mouse and Keyboard Settings
- Save CPU temperature to file
- Set the display format of clock and date
- Setup the Printer
- Show free space
- The Superuser root
- Usage of Raspberry Pi Configuration Tool
- Use the File Manager with the root rights
- Which chips are installed on the board?
- Start SlideShow automatically
- Re-set or disable sleep time
- How to remove a program completely?
- What is Snapcraft?
- How to set a new key combination to take screenhot?
- What is Flatpak?
- Producing the graphical images for network traffic
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 14 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Activate the numeric keypad
- Arrange the panel applets and display
- Calculator
- Change background
- Change Folder Icon Size
- Compress multiple files and decompress it
- Create a short cut for programs
- Create custom presentation with Pi Presents
- Create new panel
- Custom background image for desktop
- Delete a File and recover it from Trash
- Display image with the Image Viewer by default
- Fan-Art as a wallpaper
- Find a specific file by using File Manager
- Organizing the Desktop
- Play video and music
- Raspberry Main Menu
- Raspberry Pi Desktop
- Rename a folder and file
- Setup an On-Screen Keyboard
- Setup Raspbmc Media Center
- Show hidden files
- Show the File properties
- Slide show in full screen mode
- Take screenshots
- Text editors for configuration files
- Usage of Calendar
- Use Gmail in Claws Mail
- Use Pi Presents for Presentation
- Using the File Manager
- VLC Media Player
- Recording your Desktop
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 18 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Add a firewall
- Back-up the memory card
- Change default password
- Changing default username
- Copy memory card from image file
- Create a new user account
- How does apt-get work
- How to install an apt-package?
- How to update the database packages to the latest versions
- How to upgrade the packages to the latest versions
- Install a software via Synaptic
- Install the Operating System with NOOBS
- Install the Operating System without NOOBS
- Memory usage Analysis with Filelight
- Raspberry Pi Emulator for Windows
- Recover lost password
- Setting ABIOLA Monitor 18 "
- The basic Linux commands in detail
- Update the operating system in the Raspberry Pi
- Who are you login as?
- Show this month's calender
- Show processes as a tree
- Shows a memory usage map of processes
- Show all running processes
- Kill a process under a given ID
- Show a snapshot of active processes
- Show current uptime
- Display information about user
- Show current date and time
- Show hostname
- Show system information
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 16 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Compress and decompress command
- Copy a file to Raspberry Pi from Raspberry Pi with scp
- How to change the color of your terminal
- Install a software as a Linux package
- Useful terminal commands
- Searching for pattern in file or dir
- Terminal shortcut
- How to give a permission?
- mount command
- Change the file ownership
- Show disk partitions and sizes
- Show target mount point for all filesystems
- Show disk usage
- Show free and used space
- Usage of yum command
- Compress a file with the .gz extension
- Create a tar archieved file
- find command
- Output the contents of the file
- Create a text file
- Move a file
- Copy operations
- Show the current directory
- Close the terminal
- Delete file and folder
- Create a folder from terminal
- Change the directory with command
- How to list files?
- How to clear terminal window
- Show the history of terminal commands
- Show help options on the terminal
- Cool Shortcut - How Do I Copy Commands to Terminal Window?
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 17 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Assign static IP Address via static DHPC
- Check the network connection
- How to set static IP address
- Listing nearby wireless network
- Wi-Fi Connectivity Settings
- Difference between Wi-Fi and WLAN
- How can I use WLAN with a cell phone?
- What is FTP?
- How can I set up my own WLAN with a cell phone?
- How can I query FTP data?
- How can I set up an FTP location?
- How to connect WiFi
- Download a file from a domain
- Usage of Ip commands
- Get DNS information for domain
- Get whois information for domains
- Ping host and output results
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 2 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Audacity - Record your audio
- File transfer with the Total Commander
- GIMP change image
- Google Chrome - Add shortcut of website
- Google Chrome - Change Background
- LibreOffice Draw
- LibreOffice overview
- Mozilla Firefox - Add Top Site
- NextCloud - ABIOLA Cloud
- PuTTY Session
- FileZilla - Copy a file to FTP server
- LibreOffice Writer - Create a basic template
- Thunderbird - Set up Gmail account
- 7-ZIP - Compress and extract
- VLC Media Player - Add a subtitle into your video
- Sound Converter - Convert audio format
- Handbrake - Crop video at specific time interval
- OpenShot - How to merge two videos?
- SD Card Copier - Copy your image
- WinRAR – extract rar file using command line
- How can you access the second Raspberry from one Raspberry using the TeamViewer?
- Network Traffic Monitor - vnstat
- Windows Raspberry Control
- The right start
- Translate web pages into other languages
- Course Topic Numbering and Error Message
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 11 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Active and passive cooling
- How to setup VNC
- Install Samba Server
- Python - and & or
- Python - Boolean "true" and "false"
- Python - First Program
- Python - for loop
- Python - Functions with parameter
- Python - Functions with return value
- Python - Number variables
- Python - String variables
- Python - while loop
- Show server status with htop
- The individual connections in detail
- What to consider for SD card?
- How to use Fans?
- Show USB devices
- Show PCI devices
- List information about hardware configuration
- Display information about the CPU architecture
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 5 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Diese Artikel erscheinen demnächst
- Diese Artikel erscheinen demnächst
- Aduino
- Apache
- Arduino
- Audacity
- Calibre
- Claws Mail
- digiKam
- Empathy
- FileLight
- FileZilla
- Firefox
- Flameshot
- Google Chrome
- GParted
- Gtypist
- Handbrake
- HomeBank
- KeePass 2
- Kicad
- Kodi
- LibreCAD
- LibreOffice
- LibreOffice dokumentation
- Midnight Commander
- MyPaint
- OpenOffice
- OpenShot
- Opera
- Raspberry Pi Beginner´s Guide
- Rhythmbox
- Scribus
- SD Card Copier
- Send Anywhere
- Simplenote
- Skype
- SoundConverter
- Streamlink
- Synaptic Package Manager
- TeamViewer
- Thunderbird
- VLC Media Player
- What does RASP-library mean?
- WinRar
- Wordpress
- XMind
- XnView MP
- Anydesk
- Bluefish Text
- Filemail
- Gedit
- GNU Emacs
- Fslint
- Inkscape
- Flareget
- Dolphin
- Krita
- Liferea
- Anbox
- Neofetch
- Converseen
- Atril
- GDebi
- GNOME Boxes
- Fslint
- Filemail
- Bluefish
- Gedit
- GNU Emacs
- Meld
- Task Coach
- Zim
- FontForge
- Ardour
- Conky
- Gufw
- Tox
- Pidgin
- CopyQ
- Tux Math
- KMyMoney
- KWordQuiz
- KStars
- Childsplay
- Kanagram
- Scratch
- GeoGebra
- GCompris
- Skrooge
- Grisbi
- GNU Cash
- Dropbox
- Stellarium
- KTouch
- Kalzium
- Freeplane
- Step
- Fritzing
- Kbruch
- Telegram
- KAlgebra
- Anki
- SMPlayer
- Tux Paint
- Ktuberling
- Blender
- Minitube
- Wavemon
- Speedtest CLI
- Kig
- Marble
- Parley
- Cura
- QtQR
- Qalculate
- ClamTk
- Gbrainy
- Font Manager
- Playonlinux
- Konversation
- KDE Connect
- Minitube
- Krusader
- SimpleScreenRecorder
- Sigil
- Wammu
- BleachBit
- Baobab
- KeePass 2
- FreeCAD
- FreeCAD
- Remmina
- Remmina
- KGet
- KGet
- Memcached
- Memcached
- MuseScore
- MuseScore
- Brave Browser
- Mutiger Browser
- Figma
- Figma
- Visual Studio Code
- vokoscreenNG
- Cairo Dock
- Thonny
- Samba
- Motion
- Skanlite
- Fortune
- eSpeak
- DOSbox
- XChat
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 144 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Calibre
- Claws Mail
- Gtypist
- HomeBank
- LibreOffice
- OpenOffice
- Scribus
- Simplenote
- XMind
- KMyMoney
- Skrooge
- Grisbi
- GNU Cash
- Dropbox
- Freeplane
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 1 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Empathy
- Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Send Anywhere
- Skype
- TeamViewer
- Thunderbird
- Wordpress
- Filemail
- Tox
- Pidgin
- Telegram
- Konversation
- Brave Browser
- Mutiger Browser
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 1 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- FileLight
- FileZilla
- Flameshot
- KeePass 2
- Midnight Commander
- SD Card Copier
- Synaptic Package Manager
- Thunderbird
- WinRar
- Filemail
- Fslint
- Flareget
- Dolphin
- Liferea
- Anbox
- Neofetch
- Converseen
- Atril
- GDebi
- GNOME Boxes
- Fslint
- Bluefish
- Gedit
- GNU Emacs
- Meld
- Task Coach
- Zim
- Conky
- Gufw
- CopyQ
- Wavemon
- Speedtest CLI
- ClamTk
- Font Manager
- Krusader
- SimpleScreenRecorder
- Sigil
- Wammu
- BleachBit
- Baobab
- KeePass 2
- Remmina
- Remmina
- KGet
- KGet
- MuseScore
- MuseScore
- Visual Studio Code
- vokoscreenNG
- Cairo Dock
- Thonny
- Samba
- Skanlite
- Fortune
- eSpeak
- DOSbox
- XChat
- Alle Artikel anzeigen ( 44 ) Artikel zusammenklappen
- Diese Artikel erscheinen demnächst
- Diese Artikel erscheinen demnächst
- Diese Artikel erscheinen demnächst
- Diese Artikel erscheinen demnächst
< Alle Themen
Show the current directory
BySerkan Aydin
no-806 au-03
pwd shows current working directory path.

1) Run pwd command
2) Current working directory : /home/pi
3) Change the directory to test it.
4) Run pwd command
5) It shows current working directory.
This article is a component of the “Linux Introduction” course from the ABIOLA online Academy.
Please refer: https://academy.abiola.ngo/courses/linux-introduction/?lang=en